Advantages of Lens Hood You Need to Know

Here are some advantages of using a lens hood with your Nikon camera A parasol is a more versatile kit than meets the eye. Not only can it be used to block strong lightning and flare from your shot, but they can also be used for a few more things: Sunlight As mentioned earlier, the primary purpose of a lens hood and the purpose it was originally designed for is to prevent reflections from the sun from entering the lens and ruining your shot. Having the sun directly to one side or above the camera will also help eliminate the amount of flare entering the lens.Check out Best Camera Lens Hood click here. Rain: If you're brave enough to go out and shoot in the rain (with your camera properly protected, of course), a lens can come in handy here too. It can be used to protect the end of the lens from the rain, just like a person with a baseball cap, to try to minimize the amount of drops that fall directly on the lens and cause unsightly blurs in the ...